Dare- Never be scared

Im being a 90’s kid, i feel sad of present kids as they don’t have what we had in our childhood. Parents were not scared to send their kids out alone. We were never scared of playing in the road. We drank water from a pipe in the corner of the street and so on… Main thing is.. living with grandparents. There will be lots of difference between a child who is raised by grandparents and parents.

In this story… There is a kid living in his own world, enjoying time with his grandparents, listening to heroic stories from his grandmother.

When his parents have left to work and this guy spends most of his time with his grandmother …

One fine evening, while his parents and grandparents were away, he heard a strange sound.
He tries to find what it is, and he sees a scary shadow and gets scared. But the stories he heard through his grandmother reminded him to be brave. So he focuses and determines to face the challenge and fight against the scary shadow.

Living with grandparents is not only safe, but it is good for a kid’s future too as they get raised with good thoughts and moral.
It is not that we have to face everything and learn from our experience, we also learn from other’s experience too.
Lets respect our elders and Lets live as a “Joint Family”

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